Where is cosplay most popular? The top countries for cosplayers

Cosplay is most commonly associated with science fiction and fantasy characters, but it can really be about anything. These days, you’re just as likely to see people cosplaying as their favorite YouTubers or video game characters as you are to see them in elaborate elf costumes, which widens the appeal for cosplay to the entire world!

Today, cosplay is more popular than ever before, with passionate fans all over the globe coming together to celebrate their favorite characters. Let’s take a look at some of the most popular places for cosplay around the world.


Italy is home to a vibrant cosplay community, with cosplayers often organizing meetups and events in major cities like Rome and Milan. One of the most popular annual events is Lucca Comics & Games, a comic book and gaming convention that attracts over 200,000 visitors each year.


One of the most popular places to find cosplayers in Italy is at Comicon, which is held annually in Rome. This comic book convention attracts people from all over the world who come to celebrate their love of all things nerdy. You’ll see everything from Marvel and DC characters to Anime favorites. If you’re in Rome during Comicon, it’s definitely worth checking out.

Another place to find cosplayers and cosplaying in Rome is at the annual Roma Fiction Fest, which is held every year in October. This festival attracts some of the biggest names in the industry, as well as up-and-coming talent.


Palermo Comic Convention (a sequel of Cosplayday) represents a big event dedicated to cosplay and pop culture. They have a dedicated area for anime publishing houses, shops and cosplayers, with workshops and fashion shows forming part of the agenda.


Australia has a long history of fandom culture, with sci-fi and fantasy conventions being held Down Under since the 1970s. These days, there are dozens of conventions held across the country each year, giving Australian cosplayers plenty of opportunities to show off their impressive costumes. Notable events include PAX Australia, Supanova Comic-Con & Gaming Expo and Oz Comic-Con.

Melbourne, Victoria

Those in Victoria have a host of options, with pretty much every major event that comes to Australia having dates there. Most of the events tend to be in the second half of the year, but recently these events have started to spread out. Check out the Melbourne Cosplay Community Facebook group for a list of the current meet ups and events.


With over 120 million people actively involved in some form of fandom culture, it’s no surprise that Brazil would be one of the top countries for cosplay. Cosplayers in Brazil often take their craft very seriously, spending months (or even years!) perfecting their costumes. Some of the most popular events include Anime Friends and Brazil Game Show.

United States

It should come as no surprise that the U.S., home of Comic-Con International, would be near the top of this list. With dozens of large conventions being held across the country each year, American cosplayers have plenty of opportunities to show off their work. In addition to Comic-Con, other popular events include Anime Expo and Dragon Con.


While Los Angeles may not be the first place that comes to mind when thinking about cosplay culture, there’s no denying that this city has had a major impact on its development. Hollywood blockbusters such as Marvel’s Avengers series have helped make superhero costumes some of the most popular among Cosplayers (especially those who enjoy attending Comic-Con). In addition, many well-known costume designers got their start working on films in Hollywood before branching out into designing for stage productions and live events like Comic-Con.

If you’re looking for a place to buy high-quality cosplay costumes or supplies in Los Angeles, your best bet is Little Tokyo. This historic neighborhood is home to numerous Japanese culture shops which stock everything from kimonos to swords (both real and replica). Little Tokyo is also home to two annual anime conventions: Anime Expo (the largest anime convention in North America) and Sakura-Con (one of the oldest continuously running anime conventions in the United States).

New York

As one of the most populous cities in the world, it should come as no surprise that New York City is also home to a large number of cosplayers. And given the city’s diverse population, you’ll find all sorts of different interpretations of familiar characters here. For example, you might see someone dressed as Batman who looks like he just walked off the set of The Dark Knight Rises movie; or you might see someone dressed as Wonder Woman who looks like she just stepped out of an animated DC Comics movie.

One advantage that New York City has over other cities when it comes to cosplay is the sheer number of events going on at any given time. In addition to Comic-Con (which takes place every summer), there are also numerous smaller conventions throughout the year devoted specifically to gaming, anime/manga, sci-fi/fantasy ,and more. No matter what your interests are, you’re sure to find a convention or meetup group here that’s right for you!


And finally, we come to the country where cosplay was born: Japan! (You didn’t think i’d forget, did you?) Japanese pop culture has been a major influence on fandom culture around the world for decades, so it’s no surprise that Japan would be at the top of this list. Some of the most popular anime and manga conventions in the world are held in Japan, including Comiket and Tokyo Game Show.


In addition to conventions, there are also numerous dedicated cosplay cafes and bars scattered throughout Tokyo where like-minded people can gather to drink, eat, and chat about all things nerdy. And if you’re looking for cosplay supplies or accessories, you’ll find no shortage of options here either; Tokyo is home to countless shops specializing in everything from wigs and contact lenses to complete ready-made costumes.


So there you have it: the five countries where cosplay is most popular! Wherever you are in the world, there’s sure to be a community of like-minded enthusiasts nearby who are ready and excited to show off their latest creations. So get out there and start exploring!

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